Saturday, September 20, 2014

Men from the USA forces caught rap1ng young girls as a weapon of war! (Photo)

 Division gang raped a 14 year old Iraqi girl and murdered her and her family — including a 5 year old child. An additional soldier was involved in the cover-up. One of the killers, Steven Green, was found guilty on May 07, 2009 in the US District Court of Paducah and is now awaiting sentencing.

The leaked Public Affairs Guidance put the 101st media team into a “passive posture” — withholding
information where possible. It conceals presence of both child victims, and describes the r@’pe victim, who had just turned 14, as “a young woman”.
The US Army’s Criminal Investigation Division did not begin its investigation until three and a half months after the crime, news reports at that time commented.
This is not the only grim picture coming out of Iraq U.S. forces being accused of using r@’pe as a war weapon.
The release, by CBS News, of the photographs showing the heinous s3xual abu’se and tor’ture of Iraqi POW’s at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison opened a Pandora’s Box for the Bush regime wrote Ernesto Cienfuegos in La Voz de Aztlan on May 2, 2004.

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