Wednesday, October 08, 2014

First Humanzee (Chimpanzee/Human Hybrid) Born In Nigeria

In  1977, researcher J. Michael Bedford concluded human spermatozoa could not penetrate the Perivtelline space into the chimpanzee cytoplasm therefore making the creation of a humanzee impossible. However, a group of Nigerian geneticists, biologists and medical doctors have overcome Beford’s findings to create the first chimpanzee/human hybrid who they call Adisa.

“We know we will take much ethical criticism for the creation of Adisa, but this is a huge step forward for science,” Dr. Okar said. “She is a sweet girl and we’re curious to know the division of human and chimpanzee traits. Will she be able to talk?”
Okra says they plan to sell their research to other geneticists, governments and corporations in hopes it will allow humanity to create more hybridized animals.
“Humans have put so many animal extinct,” Dr. Okra said. “Now we as humans can start creating new species to replace the dead ones and become major participators in animal evolution. Companies might be able to create new animals to sell as exotic pets, opening up new markets, expanding economies. I for one look hopeful to the day when my next door neighbors might be a humanzee family.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blood of Jesus!!!!!!.... End time signs. Humanzee kee? Oooh